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Beyond Work: How Accomplished People Retire Successfully

Bylines & Mentions on Dr. Bill Roiter


Klaus Givskov-Christensen, US Correspondent, Borsen, Denmark´s Business Daily

Adjusting to the "New Adulthood" – Successful Retirement in the 21st Century


Life After 50

Life After 50 (November, 2008)

Beyond Work: Retirement seminars need to offer more than financial advice

The Best Times: Managing the Falling MVP

The Best Times (July, 2008)

Managing the Falling MVP

Business Week: Career Insurance for CEOs

Business Week (June 17, 2005)

Career Insurance for CEOs

HR Magazine: Managing the Falling MVP

HR Magazine (July, 2004)

HR: Managing the Falling MVP


Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical Executive (April 1, 2005)

Building a World-Class-Workforce

The Hindu Business Line: MVPs Take Great Pride in a Job Well Done

The Hindu Business Line (December 6, 2004)

Business Line: MVPs Take Great Pride in a Job Well Done

New York Times: Parent and Child

New York Times (April 4, 1991)

New York Times: Parent and Child