Are You Ready to Retire? |
Take our free no, obligation retirement readiness profileThe Retirement Confidence Profile you are about to complete is designed to provide you with a measure of how confident you are of living the life you want as you retire. It is not a definitive measure of how successful you will be in retirement. The profile will identify important areas that make up life beyond work and will provide you with a measure of your confidence in each area. You can then see which areas you can rely on and which areas you may want to improve. You can then decide if you want to work on improving your confidence in some areas. The profile is tied to specific parts of Beyond Work, How Accomplished People Retire Successfully (Wiley 2008) to which you can refer to to learn how to build your confidence and improve your scores. It is made up of 20 statements that you are asked to read and then indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. You can complete your Retirement Confidence Profile in approximately 20 minutes. Your Retirement Confidence Profile report will be available to you as soon as you complete the instrument. If you signed in using your email address and password, your responses will be saved and you can begin the Profile and stop to return at a later time. You can also retrieve your completed profile in the future. If you did not sign in, your data and report will not be saved once you leave your active session. If you see any errors or if you have any questions, you can send an email to: |